Alec Powers

Alec Powers

Alec Powers is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Alec Powers here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Alec Powers, born on July 17th, 1975, is a prominent male adult film star who has been active in the industry since his debut. Standing tall at 178 centimeters (approximately 5 feet 10 inches) and weighing around 84 kilograms (about 185 pounds), he boasts a significant presence both on and off screen. Despite using several aliases throughout his career to maintain privacy, Alec Powers remains widely recognized as a compelling force within the realm of erotic entertainment.

Alec Powers Movies

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Alec Powers Scenes

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Alec Powers Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1975-07-17


Hair color:

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Height: 178cm (5ft 10in)

Weight: 84kg (185lb)

Alec Powers Nude Pics & Image Galleries Alec Powers Website