Luc Wylder

Luc Wylder

Luc Wylder is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Luc Wylder here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Luc Wylder, born on November 17th, 1958, is a captivating male adult film star known for his striking dirty blond hair and muscular physique. Standing at an impressive height of 185 cm or 6 ft 1 in, and weighing 85 kg or 187 lb, Wylder brings both strength and allure to his performances. In addition to his main stage name, he may also be recognized by various aliases within the industry.

Luc Wylder Movies

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Luc Wylder Scenes

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Luc Wylder Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1958-11-17

Tattoos: Naked dancer controlled by wizard puppeteer on back, Fallen Angel on left arm; Grim reaper on front of left hip and many others

Hair color: Dirty Blond

Eye color:

Height: 185cm (6ft 1in)

Weight: 85kg (187lb)

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