Billy DeWitt

Billy DeWitt

Billy DeWitt is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Billy DeWitt here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Billy DeWitt, born on January 13, 1984, is a charismatic male adult film actor known not only for his chiseled good looks but also for his undeniable talent in the industry. Standing at 5 feet 8 inches and weighing approximately 165 pounds, Billy has an attractive and well-maintained physique that surely captures attention on screen. With lustrous brown hair, he represents a perfect blend of boyish charm and seductive allure that sets him apart from other performers in this field. Throughout his career, DeWitt has taken on various aliases, providing versatility to his performances while continuing to captivate fans with every scene.

Billy DeWitt Movies

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Billy DeWitt Scenes

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Billy DeWitt Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1984-01-13

Tattoos: Upper back; Script "Dodgers" (MLB Los Angeles Dodgers logo) on right bicep

Hair color: Brown

Eye color:

Height: 173cm (5ft 8in)

Weight: 75kg (165lb)

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