Carmela Clutch

Carmela Clutch

Carmela Clutch is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Carmela Clutch here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Carmela Clutch is a talented and captivating adult film star originally from the United States, whose sultry performances reflect her fiery Latin heritage. Born on August 5, 1997, she has risen to prominence through her stunning brunette features and impressive physical measurements - with luscious 35DD breasts that are all-natural. Standing at a height of 5 feet 2 inches and weighing a lithe 130 pounds, Carmela undoubtedly stands out as an unforgettable presence in the industry. With a fierce dedication to pleasure and a natural charisma, this young performer continues to leave a mark on viewers around the globe.

Carmela Clutch Movies

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Carmela Clutch Scenes

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Carmela Clutch Information

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth: 1997-08-05

Tattoos: Right side of lower abdomen; left side of right ankle

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color:

Height: 158cm (5ft 2in)

Weight: 59kg (130lb)

Measurements: 35DD-25-37

Natural boobs: Yes

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