Aubree Valentine

Aubree Valentine

Aubree Valentine is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Aubree Valentine here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Aubree Valentine is a striking, tall brunette adult film star hailing from the United States Virgin Islands. Born on April 19th, 1998, this talented performer has captivated audiences with her natural beauty and sensual presence in numerous scenes since she first entered the industry. Standing at an impressive 6 feet 2 inches tall, Aubree maintains a slender figure weighing just 108 pounds while flaunting a curvaceous physique measuring 36-24-35. Her confidence and natural charm shine through as she delivers unforgettable performances, making her a standout among her peers.

Aubree Valentine Movies

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Aubree Valentine Scenes

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Aubree Valentine Information

Country: Virgin Islands, U.s.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1998-04-19

Tattoos: Inside Left Ankle; Left Inner Bicep

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color:

Height: 188cm (6ft 2in)

Weight: 49kg (108lb)

Measurements: 36-24-35

Natural boobs: Yes

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