Sara St.Clair

Sara St.Clair

Sara St.Clair is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Sara St.Clair here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Sara St. Clair, an enchanting female adult film star known for her striking natural beauty and flawless features, captivates audiences with her stunning allure and undeniable charm. Born on August 26th in the United States, she first emerged in the industry in 2013 and has since then left an indelible mark as a truly versatile performer. With a career spanning across countless award-winning films and scenes, she is recognized not just for her physical attributes but also for her extraordinary skills that make every performance simply unforgettable.

Sara St.Clair Movies

We have 19 movies starring Sara St.Clair in our database

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Sara St.Clair Scenes

We have 0 scenes starring Sara St.Clair in our database

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Sara St.Clair Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth:


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Height: No data

Weight: No data


Natural boobs: Yes

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