Kitana A Demida

Kitana A Demida

Kitana A Demida is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Kitana A Demida here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Kitana A Demida, a breathtakingly captivating female adult film star, best known by her fans as simply 'Kitana,' has been turning heads in the industry with her distinctive natural beauty and stunning physical assets. Born and raised with her impressive God-given endowments, she never felt the need to alter or augment what nature had gifted her - setting her apart from many of her peers while quickly rising through the ranks of adult entertainment. Standing at 5'4", this statuesque stunner exudes confidence and sex appeal that is palpable on screen, leaving audiences around the world transfixed. The term 'natural' not only applies to Kitana's stunning bosom but also to her effervescent personality that keeps viewers connected and engaged every time they see her grace their screens. In addition to her alluring charm, Kitana's dedication and passion to performing are unwavering, consistently providing steamy scenes that resonate with both seasoned enthusiasts and those new to the world of adult cinema.

Kitana A Demida Movies

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Kitana A Demida Scenes

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Kitana A Demida Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth:


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Height: No data

Weight: No data


Natural boobs: Yes

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