Carmen Michaels

Carmen Michaels

Carmen Michaels is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Carmen Michaels here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Carmen Michaels, a striking and versatile adult film star, was born on September 25, 1986 in the United States. With African American heritage, she adds a unique touch to her performances that captivate audiences worldwide. Standing tall at 201 cm and maintaining a svelte figure weighing 55 kg, Carmen's presence is immediately commanding yet balances elegance and grace. Her raven hair frames piercing hazel eyes, while her natural bust size of 34c complements her hourglass figure with measurements of 29-39-34. Throughout her career, Carmen has gone by various aliases, but she remains unforgettable due to her undeniable passion and powerful screen presence.

Carmen Michaels Movies

We have 52 movies starring Carmen Michaels in our database

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Carmen Michaels Scenes

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Carmen Michaels Information

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Black

Date of Birth: 1986-09-25

Tattoos: None

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Hazel

Height: 201cm (6ft 7in)

Weight: 55kg (121lb)

Measurements: 34c-29-39

Natural boobs: Yes

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