Izrah Indica

Izrah Indica

Aliases: Izzy Indica

Izrah Indica is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Izrah Indica here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Izrah Indica, also known as Izzy Indica, is a mesmerizing female adult film star born on June 25, 1992. Standing at 161 cm tall and weighing 52 kg, she boasts striking red hair complemented by captivating hazel eyes. Her curvaceous frame consists of luscious 32F breasts, a slender waist, and generous hips sized at 38, showcasing her natural beauty and appealing proportions in the world of adult entertainment.

Izrah Indica Movies

We have 12 movies starring Izrah Indica in our database

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Izrah Indica Scenes

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Izrah Indica Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1992-06-25

Tattoos: Lower abdomen; right side of ribcage; right inner wrist; left thumb; left calve; left thigh

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Hazel

Height: 161cm (5ft 3in)

Weight: 52kg (115lb)

Measurements: 32F-28-38

Natural boobs: Yes

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