Xavi Tralla

Xavi Tralla

Xavi Tralla is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Xavi Tralla here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Xavi Tralla, born on December 18th, 1982, is a talented and renowned male adult film star with an impressive presence in the industry. Despite being only 180 cm tall and weighing 75 kg, he has been able to make his mark in the world of pornography through sheer dedication and raw talent. Boasting luscious brown hair, this performer with potential aliases brings passion and charisma into every scene, solidifying his place as a favorite amongst fans globally. His career reflects his commitment to his craft and continuous efforts towards excellence, making him one of the most recognized names in adult entertainment today.

Xavi Tralla Movies

We have 25 movies starring Xavi Tralla in our database

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Xavi Tralla Scenes

We have 14 scenes starring Xavi Tralla in our database

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Xavi Tralla Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1982-12-18


Hair color: Brown

Eye color:

Height: 180cm (5ft 11in)

Weight: 75kg (165lb)

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