Collector Classix
Adult film studio
Adult movie studio Collector Classix with 23 released pornographic films in our database. Watch and purchase VODs and DVDs on our website.
Collector Classix is a unique adult studio that specializes in niche and cult classic movies. Over the years they have released a total of 23 films which cater to different tastes in erotica. Their content ranges from unusual themes like "Little Orphan Dusty" to adventures such as "Kate And The Indians", showcasing their ability to present erotic scenarios in both imaginative and intriguing ways. Another noteworthy title by this studio is "Baby Cakes", reflecting their versatility in creating captivating stories within the realm of adult entertainment.
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Feels Like Silk
1983 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 15min

Baby Cakes
1982 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 20min

1982 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 25min

Never Enough
1982 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 11min

Purely Physical
1982 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 22min

1982 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 20min | Series: Titillation

Peaches And Cream
1981 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 13min

Downstairs Upstairs
1980 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 18min

Pink Ladies
1980 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 14min

Chorus Call
1979 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 18min

Her Name Was Lisa
1979 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 27min

Kate And The Indians
1979 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 22min

Health Spa
1978 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 15min

Sweet Savage
1978 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 20min

7 Into Snowy
1977 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 15min

Fiona On Fire
1977 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 39min

Mary Mary
1977 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 19min

Star Babe
1977 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 20min

Double Exposure Of Holly
1976 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 14min

Journey Of O
1975 | Collector Classix | Runtime: 1h 15min