Abigail Clayton

Abigail Clayton Movies & Scenes

Watch Abigail Clayton adult videos and scenes on VOD & DVD

Abigail Clayton is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Abigail Clayton here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Abigail Clayton, also known as Gail Lawrence and Gail Wezke, is a petite adult film star standing at just 4 feet 12 inches tall. Weighing in at 101 pounds, her small stature contrasts beautifully with her curvaceous figure - featuring a 32A cup size and well-defined waist leading to full hips measuring 35 inches. With striking green eyes, framed by naturally brown hair, it's no surprise that Abigail has become recognized for her captivating looks within the industry. Born with natural breasts, she exudes a unique combination of vulnerability and strength in her performances.

Abigail Clayton Movies

We have 126 porn movies starring Abigail Clayton in our database

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Abigail Clayton Scenes

We have 51 porn scenes starring Abigail Clayton in our database

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Abigail Clayton Information

Aliases: Gail Lawrence, Gail Wezke

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth:


Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Height: 152cm (4ft 12in)

Weight: 46kg (101lb)

Measurements: 32A-23-35

Natural boobs: Yes

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