Finesse Navarro

Finesse Navarro Movies & Scenes

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Finesse Navarro is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Finesse Navarro here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Finesse Navarro, born on March 5th, 1979, is an exquisite Latin adult film star known for her striking beauty and vibrant performances. Standing at 5 feet 2 inches tall with a slim frame weighing in at 121 pounds, Finesse's natural 34A-24-32 measurements are a true testament to her captivating figure. With long black hair framing her deep brown eyes, this talented performer has also appeared under various aliases such as Finesse Navaro, Finesse Navard, and Finess Navaro. Known for her natural assets, Finesse remains a highly sought after and passionate artist within the adult entertainment industry.

Finesse Navarro Movies

We have 242 porn movies starring Finesse Navarro in our database

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Finesse Navarro Scenes

We have 95 porn scenes starring Finesse Navarro in our database

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Finesse Navarro Information

Aliases: Finesse Navaro, Finesse Navard, Finess Navaro, Van Ness

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth: 1979-03-05

Tattoos: Dragon on left shoulder tribal on tailbone

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 157cm (5ft 2in)

Weight: 55kg (121lb)

Measurements: 34A-24-32

Natural boobs: Yes