Stacy Burke

Stacy Burke Movies & Scenes

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Stacy Burke is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Stacy Burke here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Meet Stacy Burke, an American adult film star born on May 27th, 1965. This versatile and captivating blonde beauty has made her mark in the industry under several aliases - Kat Leiber, Stacey Burke, Stacie Burke, Stacy Berk, Stacy Burk, and Stacy Burke (L). Standing at a petite height of 5 feet 2 inches, she is known for her enviable measurements of 34C-24-34. What sets Stacy apart is her enhanced C-cup breasts that add even more allure to her performances, making her one of the top performers to watch in the industry.

Stacy Burke Movies

We have 240 porn movies starring Stacy Burke in our database

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Stacy Burke Scenes

We have 30 porn scenes starring Stacy Burke in our database

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Stacy Burke Information

Aliases: Kat Leiber, Stacey Burke, Stacie Burke, Stacy Berk, Stacy Burk, Stacy Burke (L), Stacy Burke (L)

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1965-05-27


Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Brown

Height: 157cm (5ft 2in)

Weight: No data

Measurements: 34C-24-34

Natural boobs: No

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