Sarah Jane Hamilton

Sarah Jane Hamilton

Sarah Jane Hamilton is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Sarah Jane Hamilton here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Sarah Jane Hamilton, born on April 15, 1975, is an captivating adult film star known for her striking red hair and mesmerizing 34D-24-34 curves. Standing tall at 165 cm (or 5 feet 5 inches), this natural beauty has managed to create quite the buzz in the industry with her sultry performances. With an impressive career spanning several years and multiple aliases under her belt, she continues to delight fans around the world with her magnetic presence and sizzling screen appearances.

Sarah Jane Hamilton Movies

We have 217 movies starring Sarah Jane Hamilton in our database

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Sarah Jane Hamilton Scenes

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Sarah Jane Hamilton Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1971-04-15


Hair color: Red

Eye color:

Height: 165cm (5ft 5in)

Weight: No data

Measurements: 34D-24-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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