

Kassie is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Kassie here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Meet Kassie, a mesmerizing and talented adult film star whose dazzling performances in the industry have captured the hearts of fans worldwide. With her natural beauty and exquisite figure, Kassie stands out as a unique and sensual performer with a passion for entertaining. Renowned for her gorgeous breast size, she showcases pure allure and expertise that is bound to leave viewers captivated. Throughout her career, Kassie has taken on various roles and scenes while consistently pushing the boundaries of creativity and sexual expression. Get ready to immerse yourself in Kassie's world and witness firsthand why she truly stands apart from others in the business.

Kassie Movies

We have 15 movies starring Kassie in our database

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Kassie Scenes

We have 4 scenes starring Kassie in our database

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Kassie Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth:


Hair color: No data

Eye color: No data

Height: No data

Weight: No data


Natural boobs: Yes

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