
Rafe Movies & Scenes

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Rafe is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Rafe here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Introducing Rafe, a male porn star whose career has made him a well-known name in the adult entertainment industry. Born on July 27th, 1966, this impressive performer stands tall at 183 centimeters and weighs approximately 82 kilograms. His striking brown hair is just one of the many features that make Rafe visually captivating to audiences around the world. Throughout his time as a notable figure in the industry, he has also gone by the aliases of "Rafe (L)" and "Rafe (L)", demonstrating his lasting impact within adult film productions.

Rafe Movies

We have 435 porn movies starring Rafe in our database

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Rafe Scenes

We have 221 porn scenes starring Rafe in our database

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Rafe Information

Aliases: Rafe (L), Rafe (L)

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1966-07-27


Hair color: Brown

Eye color:

Height: 183cm (6ft 0in)

Weight: 82kg (181lb)