Alex Ferraz

Alex Ferraz

Aliases: Alex Ferraz

Alex Ferraz is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Alex Ferraz here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Alex Ferraz, a towering male adult film star from Chile, brings his captivating presence and sultry performance skills to the screen. Born on November 14, 1977, this chiseled Latin hunk has set the stage ablaze with his incredible height of 6 feet 8 inches and a bodyweight of 176 pounds, making him stand out in the industry. His professional alias, also "Alex Ferraz," adds a certain enigma that only fuels the anticipation surrounding this talented performer's work.

Alex Ferraz Movies

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Alex Ferraz Information

Country: Chile

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth: 1977-11-14

Tattoos: Big design on right upper arm/shoulder/right breast; Right shoulder blade; Left shoulder; Right hand; Bat and sun inside left lo

Hair color:

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Height: 204cm (6ft 8in)

Weight: 80kg (176lb)

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