Jay Lassiter

Jay Lassiter Movies & Scenes

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Jay Lassiter is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Jay Lassiter here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Jay Lassiter is an accomplished Austrian adult film star who has been active in the industry since 1987. Born on May 28th, 1968, Lassiter stands at a towering height of 214 cm and weighs 81 kg, making him a presence to be reckoned with both onscreen and off. In addition to his impressive physical attributes, Lassiter has also gone by several aliases throughout his career, which speaks to his versatility as well as his longevity within the business. Since his debut nearly three decades ago, Lassiter has become known as one of the most popular male performers in the industry, earning him recognition and acclaim from fans all over the world.

Jay Lassiter Movies

We have 951 porn movies starring Jay Lassiter in our database

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Jay Lassiter Scenes

We have 781 porn scenes starring Jay Lassiter in our database

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Jay Lassiter Information

Country: Austria

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1968-05-28

Tattoos: None

Hair color:

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Height: 214cm (7ft 0in)

Weight: 81kg (179lb)

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