Desiree Devine

Desiree Devine

Desiree Devine is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Desiree Devine here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Introducing Desiree Devine, an accomplished and captivating female adult film star, born on November 9th, 1982. Standing tall at 183 cm with an imposing presence, she boasts an impressive weight of 132 kg which is further enhanced by her natural, large 44H breasts - a rare and striking attribute in the adult entertainment industry. With stunning blue eyes and lustrous brown hair cascading down her back, Desiree has been known to leave fans awestruck by her enthralling performances.

Desiree Devine Movies

We have 61 movies starring Desiree Devine in our database

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Desiree Devine Scenes

We have 30 scenes starring Desiree Devine in our database

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Desiree Devine Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1982-11-09


Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Height: 183cm (6ft 0in)

Weight: 132kg (291lb)

Measurements: 44H-44-62

Natural boobs: Yes

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