Natasha Nice

Natasha Nice Movies & Scenes

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Natasha Nice is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Natasha Nice here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Introducing Natasha Nice, a stunning French adult film actress known for her captivating beauty and magnetic personality. Born on July 28th, 1988, this sizzling 5'2" stunner weighs in at 115lbs. With raven-dark hair framing her stunning green eyes and envy-worthy curves - a voluptuous 34D-27-37 figure - it’s no wonder fans adore this natural, brunette bombshell. Don't be fooled by her delicate appearance; her performances are fiery and unforgettable!

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Natasha Nice Information

Aliases: Natasha Nyce, Nat Nice

Country: France

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1988-07-28

Tattoos: None

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Green

Height: 157cm (5ft 2in)

Weight: 52kg (115lb)

Measurements: 34D-27-37

Natural boobs: Yes

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