Chelsea Dagger

Chelsea Dagger

Chelsea Dagger is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Chelsea Dagger here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Chelsea Dagger, a stunning and highly demanded actress in the adult film industry, is renowned not only for her natural breasts but also for her enticing performances that have captivated audiences worldwide. Born on July 14, 1987, in Ohio, this vibrant performer quickly gained recognition due to her incredible talent and alluring appeal. In addition to working with many of the most prominent production companies in the business, Chelsea has amassed an impressive portfolio featuring a variety of scenes showcasing her charismatic nature and engaging screen presence, making her an absolute must-watch star.

Chelsea Dagger Movies

We have 15 movies starring Chelsea Dagger in our database

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Chelsea Dagger Scenes

We have 4 scenes starring Chelsea Dagger in our database

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Chelsea Dagger Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth:


Hair color:

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Height: No data

Weight: No data


Natural boobs: Yes

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