Alex Forte

Alex Forte Movies & Scenes

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Alex Forte is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Alex Forte here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Alex Forte, born on June 21, 1975 in Hungary, is a well-known male adult film actor who has appeared in numerous productions over his career. With an undeniable screen presence and impressive performance skills, this talented performer has gained recognition under multiple aliases within the industry. As one of Hungary's pride, Alex Forte continues to captivate audiences with his magnetic charisma and diverse roles that showcase his vast range as a true professional.

Alex Forte Movies

We have 629 porn movies starring Alex Forte in our database

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Alex Forte Scenes

We have 479 porn scenes starring Alex Forte in our database

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Alex Forte Information

Country: Hungary

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1975-06-21

Tattoos: Dragon on left side of back

Hair color:

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Height: No data

Weight: No data

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