Vivian Valentine

Vivian Valentine Movies & Scenes

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Vivian Valentine is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Vivian Valentine here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Meet Vivian Valentine, the stunning blonde American bombshell who's been setting screens ablaze since her debut in 1996. Born on November 24th, 1977, this petite star stands at just 4 feet 11 inches tall and weighs around 99 pounds, but don't let her small stature fool you - she certainly packs a punch when it comes to performance. With mesmerizing hazel eyes and a striking 32B-24-34 figure, Vivian has carved out a name for herself as one of the industry's most captivating performers. Best known for her natural breasts, she's also appeared under aliases such as April Valentine, Phoenix Haight, Vivien Valentine, and Sara Stone. Whether it's a solo scene or an intense couple's encounter, Vivian consistently delivers performances that leave audiences breathless.

Vivian Valentine Movies

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Vivian Valentine Scenes

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Vivian Valentine Information

Aliases: April Valentine, Phoenix Haight, Vivien Valentine, Sara Stone

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1977-11-24

Tattoos: Pubic area (floral design); lower back; right wrist (band); neck; butterfly on tailbone

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Hazel

Height: 150cm (4ft 11in)

Weight: 45kg (99lb)

Measurements: 32B-24-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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