Armani Knight

Armani Knight Movies & Scenes

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Armani Knight is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Armani Knight here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Armani Knight, born on January 23, 1980, is a captivating and sexy blonde bombshell in the adult film industry. Standing at a petite height of 5 feet 4 inches and weighing around 115 pounds, her striking measurements of 34D-24-33 accentuate her alluring figure. Priding herself on having natural 34D breasts, Armani has garnered significant attention throughout her career due to her memorable performances and undeniable sex appeal.

Armani Knight Movies

We have 60 porn movies starring Armani Knight in our database

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Armani Knight Scenes

We have 21 porn scenes starring Armani Knight in our database

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Armani Knight Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1980-01-23

Tattoos: Two hearts with "Daddy 1937-1992" underneath on right hip

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color:

Height: 163cm (5ft 4in)

Weight: 52kg (115lb)

Measurements: 34D-24-33

Natural boobs: Yes

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