Franco Roccaforte

Franco Roccaforte Movies & Scenes

Watch Franco Roccaforte adult videos and scenes on VOD & DVD

Franco Roccaforte is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Franco Roccaforte here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Franco Roccaforte is a Venezuelan male adult film star who has been in the industry since the early 2000s. Born on January 26, 1960, his towering height of 206 cm and weight of 91 kg make him stand out among other performers due to his unique physical attributes. With an ethnic background that adds depth to his performances, he has captured the attention of many fans throughout his career under various aliases, continuing to mesmerize viewers with each scene.

Franco Roccaforte Movies

We have 1861 porn movies starring Franco Roccaforte in our database

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Franco Roccaforte Scenes

We have 1547 porn scenes starring Franco Roccaforte in our database

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Franco Roccaforte Information

Country: Venezuela

Ethnicity: Black

Date of Birth: 1960-01-26

Tattoos: Above pubes (2000's)

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Height: 206cm (6ft 9in)

Weight: 91kg (201lb)

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