Susanne Brend

Susanne Brend Movies & Scenes

Watch Susanne Brend adult videos and scenes on VOD & DVD

Susanne Brend is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Susanne Brend here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Susanne Brend is a striking, blonde bombshell in the adult film industry who was born on August 3rd, 1984. Standing at 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing around 119 pounds, her physique is truly alluring with measurements of 34C-25-36. Known for her natural assets as a gorgeous woman in the adult entertainment business, Susanne's performances are captivating and unforgettable. Stay tuned to know more about this stunning performer.

Susanne Brend Movies

We have 183 porn movies starring Susanne Brend in our database

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Susanne Brend Scenes

We have 93 porn scenes starring Susanne Brend in our database

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Susanne Brend Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1984-08-03

Tattoos: Left abdomen (dragon?)

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color:

Height: 168cm (5ft 6in)

Weight: 54kg (119lb)

Measurements: 34C-25-36

Natural boobs: Yes