Mike Angelo

Mike Angelo

Mike Angelo is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Mike Angelo here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Mike Angelo is a renowned male French adult film actor born on February 15th, 1981. Standing tall at 6 feet 9 inches with a weight of approximately 168 pounds, he boasts of luscious brunette locks. In his prolific career spanning years, he has also been known by several aliases in the industry. His remarkable physical presence and undeniable talent have led him to achieve noteworthy success within his chosen profession.

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Mike Angelo Information

Country: France

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1981-02-15

Tattoos: (Added throughout his career; in no particular order) Tribal band around right bicep; across entire upper back; Front of right hip; Tweety Bird right of abdomen; Necklace with crucifix on chest

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color:

Height: 206cm (6ft 9in)

Weight: 76kg (168lb)

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