Johnny Champ

Johnny Champ

Johnny Champ is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Johnny Champ here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Johnny Champ is an exceptionally tall male adult film star, hailing from the United States. Born on February 9th, 1987, this talented performer has managed to make a significant impact within the industry thanks to his immense height and impressive physique that stands at 216 centimeters or 7 feet 1 inch, accompanied by a weight of 73 kilograms or 161 pounds. Throughout his career, he's used his extraordinary physical attributes to deliver powerful and unforgettable performances that continue to captivate fans around the world.

Johnny Champ Movies

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Johnny Champ Scenes

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Johnny Champ Information

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1987-02-09


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Height: 216cm (7ft 1in)

Weight: 73kg (161lb)

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