Mandy Saxo

Mandy Saxo Movies & Scenes

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Mandy Saxo is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Mandy Saxo here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Introducing the captivating and sultry star of your dreams - Mandy Saxo! This exotic beauty was born on November 10th in 1983 and has been stealing hearts with her 170 cm tall, slender frame weighing in at 60 kg. Her black hair flows as gracefully as her moves while her striking brown eyes tell tales of tantalizing encounters yet to come. Boasting a voluptuous figure measuring 34 inches around her bust, 23 for her waist, and an attractive 36 for her hips, every inch of Mandy's natural, B-cup curves will leave you gasping for more. Fans are spoiled by Mandy’s extensive repertoire under multiple aliases such as Simon Peach, Simone Style, Anita Paycheck and Yvonne Peach just to name a few, solidifying her reign as an erotic empress across various platforms. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled because once you lay yours upon Mandy Saxo, there is no going back.

Mandy Saxo Movies

We have 2230 porn movies starring Mandy Saxo in our database

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2024 | Sappho | Runtime: Unknown

Mandy Saxo Scenes

We have 381 porn scenes starring Mandy Saxo in our database

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Mandy Saxo Information

Aliases: Simon Peach, Simone Style, Anita Paycheck, Simona Style, Simmone Style, Simony Style, Simonne Style, Yvonne Peach, Simona Galas, Mandy Jaxo, Hailey Hardcore, Simone Miranda, Lize Polaster, Simone' Style, Simona Diamond, Simonne Peach, Simona D, Yessica, Yessyca, Jessica, Jessica D., Simone Fox, Lisette, Simonne

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1983-11-10


Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 170cm (5ft 7in)

Weight: 60kg (132lb)

Measurements: 34B-23-36

Natural boobs: Yes

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