Angel Dark

Angel Dark Movies & Scenes

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Angel Dark is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Angel Dark here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Introducing Angel Dark, a stunningly beautiful and tall brunette from Slovakia. Born on April 18th, 1982, this talented adult film star has captivated audiences with her incredible performances since entering the industry. With an impressive height of 175 cm (about 5 ft 9 in), a slender yet curvaceous figure measuring at 32D-24-37, and sporting natural D-cup breasts, Angel Dark stands out among other performers due to her distinct features and exotic looks. Under various aliases like Viktoria Cullison, Angelina Bella, Dark Angel, and Kristina Sutalo, she is recognized for her ability to mesmerize viewers around the globe. With captivating brown eyes, this powerful and vivacious woman continues to be a prominent force within the adult entertainment realm.

Angel Dark Movies

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Angel Dark Scenes

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Angel Dark Information

Aliases: Viktoria Cullison, Angelina Bella, Dark Angel, Kristina Sutalo

Country: Slovakia

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1982-04-18

Tattoos: Phoenix on right wrist

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Brown

Height: 175cm (5ft 9in)

Weight: 54kg (119lb)

Measurements: 32D-24-37

Natural boobs: Yes

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