
Julian Movies & Scenes

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Julian is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Julian here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Julian, born on October 12th in the year 1970, is a talented male pornographic film actor who has captivated audiences under the aliases Julian L and Julian L. This dashing star stands at an impressive 5 feet 10 inches with a weight of 157 pounds, adding to his overall allure. His silky black hair completes his striking physical appearance that continues to draw fans from across the globe.

Julian Movies

We have 1362 porn movies starring Julian in our database

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Julian Scenes

We have 728 porn scenes starring Julian in our database

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Julian Information

Aliases: Julian (L), Julian (L)

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1970-10-12

Tattoos: Below navel; Iron cross left and right pecs (2005); Tribal band on right bicep; Shape like Greek letter Omega left shoulder; Rig

Hair color: Black

Eye color:

Height: 178cm (5ft 10in)

Weight: 71kg (157lb)

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