Sara Yurikawa

Sara Yurikawa

Aliases: Arisu Chigasaki, Alice Chigasaki, Marie Makazato, Azumi Moriyama, Hikari Asano, Ayaka Chigasaki

Sara Yurikawa is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Sara Yurikawa here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Sara Yurikawa is a captivating and talented adult film star who has charmed her way into the hearts of fans since her debut in 2004. Hailing from an ethnic Asian background, this mesmerizing beauty was born on March 3rd, 1987. Standing at just under five feet three inches tall and weighing around 112 pounds, she maintains a petite yet striking figure. Endowed with lustrous brown hair and inviting brown eyes, Sara's measurements of 31C-22-33 further accentuate her natural appeal as a performer. Priding herself on her naturally endowed chest, Sara has developed quite the reputation for delivering dynamic performances that leave a lasting impression on all who witness them. Over her career, she has appeared under multiple aliases including Arisu Chigasaki, Alice Chigasaki, Marie Makazato, Azumi Moriyama, Hikari Asano, and Ayaka Chigasaki - showcasing both her versatility and her ability to captivate audiences across different scenes and productions.

Sara Yurikawa Movies

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Sara Yurikawa Scenes

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Sara Yurikawa Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Asian

Date of Birth: 1987-03-03


Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Height: 161cm (5ft 3in)

Weight: 51kg (112lb)

Measurements: 31C-22-33

Natural boobs: Yes

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