Rita Akira

Rita Akira Movies & Scenes

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Rita Akira is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Rita Akira here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Rita Akira, born on November 19th, 1991, is an ambitious and attractive Asian adult film actress. Standing at 5 feet 1 inch with a svelte figure weighing 110 pounds, she possesses an enchantingly alluring appearance characterized by her black hair and brown eyes. Her naturally endowed 34B-28-34 measurements amplify her sensual appeal, establishing her as an unforgettable figure in the world of adult entertainment. She has also been known to perform under alternative aliases such as Marjory and Black Asia, further emphasizing her distinct persona and captivating performances in front of the camera.

Rita Akira Movies

We have 44 porn movies starring Rita Akira in our database

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Rita Akira Scenes

We have 14 porn scenes starring Rita Akira in our database

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Rita Akira Information

Aliases: Marjory, Black Asia

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Asian

Date of Birth: 1991-11-19


Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 155cm (5ft 1in)

Weight: 50kg (110lb)

Measurements: 34B-28-34

Natural boobs: Yes