Roxie West

Roxie West Movies & Scenes

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Roxie West is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Roxie West here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Introducing the multi-talented Roxie West, an alluring American pornographic actress who has graced the screen with her captivating presence since 2001. Born on July 6th, 1983, she has entertained fans under various aliases including Bebe Minx, Roxxy West, Zoe Angevine and Bebe Mynx. Standing at just 5 feet 1 inch, she maintains a slender yet shapely figure with measurements of 34-26-34, showcasing her natural beauty through her brunette hair and enchanting brown eyes. Known for her passionate performances and exceptional screen presence, Roxie West continues to be a fan favorite in the adult film industry.

Roxie West Movies

We have 76 porn movies starring Roxie West in our database

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Roxie West Scenes

We have 36 porn scenes starring Roxie West in our database

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Roxie West Information

Aliases: Bebe Minx, Roxxy West, Zoe Angevine, Bebe Mynx

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1983-07-06

Tattoos: Above and left of mons

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Brown

Height: 155cm (5ft 1in)

Weight: 48kg (106lb)

Measurements: 34-26-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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