Maria Bellucci

Maria Bellucci Movies & Scenes

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Maria Bellucci is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Maria Bellucci here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Maria Bellucci is a sensual and passionate adult film star hailing from Hungary. Born on June 27th, 1977, this striking brunette stands at an impressive height of 5 feet 7 inches with measurements of 35C-25-35. Enhancements have added further allure to her already captivating figure. Throughout her career, she has performed under various aliases, such as Maria Belucci and Maria Swallow, among others, giving fans various ways to discover her enchanting performances.

Maria Bellucci Movies

We have 1348 porn movies starring Maria Bellucci in our database

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Maria Bellucci Scenes

We have 581 porn scenes starring Maria Bellucci in our database

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Maria Bellucci Information

Aliases: Maria Belucci, Maria Szallontai, Maria Swallow, Maria Swalloy, Maria Swallonay, Maria Swallona, Maria Schauss, Maria Sallontai, Maria Quant, Maria Love, Maria della Rovere, Maria Costa, Maria Bagoly, Maria Szalontay, Maria Szallontay, Maria Szolontai, Maria Veronica, Mary Jane

Country: Hungary

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1977-06-27

Tattoos: None

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Brown

Height: 170cm (5ft 7in)

Weight: 59kg (130lb)

Measurements: 35C-25-35

Natural boobs: No

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