Derrick Ferrari

Derrick Ferrari

Derrick Ferrari is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Derrick Ferrari here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Derrick Ferrari is an exceptionally tall and well-built male porn star from the United States, with Latin ethnicity. Born on August 24, 1987, he has made quite an impact in the adult entertainment industry. Standing at a commanding height of 201 cm (6 ft 7 inches), Ferrari's striking features, coupled with his impressive physique, weighing in at 75 kg (165 lbs), have contributed to making him a highly sought-after performer. His dark hair completes his dynamic and captivating appearance that has left a lasting impression on audiences everywhere. Aside from his stage name, Derrick Ferrari, he also goes by some additional aliases within the industry.

Derrick Ferrari Movies

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Derrick Ferrari Scenes

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Derrick Ferrari Information

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth: 1987-08-24

Tattoos: (Later) "Omega" on back of right biceps (with an omega instead of the O); (Later) Left shoulderblade

Hair color: Black

Eye color:

Height: 201cm (6ft 7in)

Weight: 75kg (165lb)

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