Bailey O'Dare

Bailey O'Dare

Bailey O'Dare is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Bailey O'Dare here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Bailey O'Dare, born on May 29th, 1974, is a striking and popular female adult film star known for her fiery red hair and impressive physical measurements of 34DD-26-34. Standing tall at 173cm with a svelte weight of 57kg, this naturally busty actress has made a significant impact in the industry since her entrance in the late 90s. With numerous notable performances throughout her career under various aliases, Bailey remains one of the most desired and sought-after stars in today's adult entertainment scene.

Bailey O'Dare Movies

We have 179 movies starring Bailey O'Dare in our database

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Bailey O'Dare Scenes

We have 71 scenes starring Bailey O'Dare in our database

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Bailey O'Dare Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1974-05-29

Tattoos: On her tailbone; Band right ankle; Small outside left ankle

Hair color: Red

Eye color:

Height: 173cm (5ft 8in)

Weight: 57kg (126lb)

Measurements: 34DD-26-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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