Steven French

Steven French Movies & Scenes

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Steven French is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Steven French here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Steven French, born on June 15th, 1977 in the charming country of France, is a stunning male adult film star who possesses a captivating presence both on and off camera. This alluring actor stands tall at an impressive 5 feet 10 inches and boasts lustrous brunette locks that contribute to his striking appearance. Although he has not gone by any known aliases during his career, his distinctive looks, coupled with his passionate performances, have won him numerous admirers over the years.

Steven French Movies

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Steven French Scenes

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Steven French Information

Country: France

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1977-06-15


Hair color: Brunette

Eye color:

Height: 178cm (5ft 10in)

Weight: No data

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