Crystal Crown

Crystal Crown Movies & Scenes

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Crystal Crown is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Crystal Crown here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Crystal Crown, born on October 6th, 1984, is a vibrant and stunning adult film actress known for her fiery red hair. Standing at 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighing a petite 104 pounds, this captivating performer boasts a curvaceous figure with measurements of 36B-23-34. What sets Crystal apart from her peers is the fact that she proudly flaunts her natural 36B bust, making her one of the most desired personalities in the adult entertainment industry. With an ever-growing fan base, Crystal's presence continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

Crystal Crown Movies

We have 156 porn movies starring Crystal Crown in our database

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Crystal Crown Scenes

We have 74 porn scenes starring Crystal Crown in our database

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Crystal Crown Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1984-10-06

Tattoos: Right foot script tattoo

Hair color: Red

Eye color:

Height: 162cm (5ft 4in)

Weight: 47kg (104lb)

Measurements: 36B-23-34

Natural boobs: Yes