Cindy Dee

Cindy Dee Movies & Scenes

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Cindy Dee is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Cindy Dee here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Cindy Dee is a talented and captivating adult film actress hailing from the Russian Federation. Born on June 18th, 1989, this brunette beauty stands at a petite height of 166 cm, weighing in at a lithe 49 kg. Often using aliases such as Jennifer Dixon, Jennifer, and Violetta, she is sure to keep her fans guessing. With measurements of 32B-22-32 showcasing her natural curves, it's no wonder that her stunning features have earned her recognition in the industry. Whether performing solo or with partners, Cindy Dee's passion for her craft is evident, making her a true fan favorite.

Cindy Dee Movies

We have 1320 porn movies starring Cindy Dee in our database

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2023 | Tabu | Runtime: Unknown

Cindy Dee Scenes

We have 307 porn scenes starring Cindy Dee in our database

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Cindy Dee Information

Aliases: Jennifer Dixon, Jennifer, Violetta

Country: Russian Federation

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1989-06-18

Tattoos: None

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Brown

Height: 166cm (5ft 5in)

Weight: 49kg (108lb)

Measurements: 32B-22-32

Natural boobs: Yes

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