Patricia Petite

Patricia Petite Movies & Scenes

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Patricia Petite is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Patricia Petite here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Patricia Petite is a petite and vivacious female adult film star born on September 14, 1984. With her captivating black hair, striking measurements of 34B-23-34, and natural breasts, she embodies the quintessential persona of a versatile performer. Standing at only 152 cm tall and weighing just 42 kg, this sensational 4ft 12in talent has undoubtedly made a significant impact in the world of adult entertainment under her alias Patricia Petit.

Patricia Petite Movies

We have 325 porn movies starring Patricia Petite in our database

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Patricia Petite Scenes

We have 143 porn scenes starring Patricia Petite in our database

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Patricia Petite Information

Aliases: Patricia Petit

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1984-09-14

Tattoos: Behind right ear; Ankh left breast; Large design on lower back (widened early 2005); 5-pointed star left foot

Hair color: Black

Eye color:

Height: 152cm (4ft 12in)

Weight: 42kg (93lb)

Measurements: 34B-23-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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