Nikki Hillton

Nikki Hillton Movies & Scenes

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Nikki Hillton is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Nikki Hillton here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Nikki Hillton is a stunning female adult film star born on November 3, 1982. Known by various aliases including Nicky Hilton, Nikki Hilton, and Niky Hilton, she stands at a petite height of 5 feet 3 inches and maintains a svelte frame weighing approximately 99 pounds. Distinguished by her luminous blonde hair and captivating brown eyes, her measurements - 34A-24-34 - reveal her natural bustiness that complements her slender figure. With an illustrious career in the adult entertainment industry, Nikki Hillton has captivated audiences with her raw sensuality and undeniable charm.

Nikki Hillton Movies

We have 224 porn movies starring Nikki Hillton in our database

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Nikki Hillton Scenes

We have 102 porn scenes starring Nikki Hillton in our database

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Nikki Hillton Information

Aliases: Nicky Hilton, Nikki Hilton, Niky Hilton

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1982-11-03

Tattoos: Heart with top hat on top and vines running through heart on lower back; two small ones on left wrist; behind ear; left foot.

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Brown

Height: 160cm (5ft 3in)

Weight: 45kg (99lb)

Measurements: 34A-24-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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