Otto Bauer

Otto Bauer

Watch Otto Bauer adult videos and scenes on VOD & DVD

Otto Bauer is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Otto Bauer here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Otto Bauer, a tall American male born in 1969, has made waves in the adult entertainment industry. This remarkable individual stands at a stunning height of 227 cm or 7 feet and 5 inches, undoubtedly providing him with a unique presence both on and off set. Weighing in at 86 kilograms or 190 pounds, this giant in the world of pornography boasts an impressive and chiseled physique that continues to captivate his many fans worldwide. Donning a thick head of brown hair, Bauer's striking looks and towering stature have surely contributed to the considerable following he has amassed throughout his career as an adult film star.

Otto Bauer Movies

We have 1621 porn movies starring Otto Bauer in our database

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Otto Bauer Scenes

We have 942 porn scenes starring Otto Bauer in our database

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Otto Bauer Information

Country: United States

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1969-12-31

Tattoos: Left bicep; Large wasp right side of abdomen; Center of chest

Hair color: Brown

Eye color:

Height: 227cm (7ft 5in)

Weight: 86kg (190lb)

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