Mandy Bright

Mandy Bright Movies & Scenes

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Mandy Bright is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Mandy Bright here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Standing at an astonishing height of 6 feet 9 inches with a well maintained weight of 126 pounds, Mandy Bright is one of the most prominent and noteworthy adult film stars hailing from Hungary. Born on April 12th in 1978, she also goes by several other monikers such as Mandy Bryght, Mrs. Bright and Mandi Bright, making her easy to find online for her diehard fans. Sporting blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, it's safe to say that Mandy has worked hard to maintain her physical appeal with measurements of 34D-25-30. But what sets Mandy apart in her field is her enhanced breast size, truly marking her as unique in her field.

Mandy Bright Movies

We have 1007 porn movies starring Mandy Bright in our database

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Mandy Bright Scenes

We have 448 porn scenes starring Mandy Bright in our database

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Mandy Bright Information

Aliases: Mandy Bryght, Mrs. Bright, Mandi Bright

Country: Hungary

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1978-04-12

Tattoos: Back of neck/upper back (around 2008); two symbols inside left wrist (around 2008)

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Height: 206cm (6ft 9in)

Weight: 57kg (126lb)

Measurements: 34d-25-30

Natural boobs: No

Mandy Bright Nude Pics & Image Galleries Mandy Bright Website