Tony Sexton

Tony Sexton Movies & Scenes

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Tony Sexton is an adult pornographic actor. Watch adult movies starring Tony Sexton here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Tony Sexton, born on October 9th, 1969, is a male adult film star known for his striking height of 6 ft 1 in and well-maintained physique weighing 183 lbs. With his captivating brown hair, he has left a memorable mark within the industry under various aliases that continue to be part of his intriguing persona.

Tony Sexton Movies

We have 450 porn movies starring Tony Sexton in our database

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Tony Sexton Scenes

We have 204 porn scenes starring Tony Sexton in our database

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Tony Sexton Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1969-10-09

Tattoos: Right shoulder; Left shoulder

Hair color: Brown

Eye color:

Height: 185cm (6ft 1in)

Weight: 83kg (183lb)

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