Gabriella Rossi

Gabriella Rossi

Gabriella Rossi is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Gabriella Rossi here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Gabriella Rossi, a stunning adult film star with striking natural assets and an undeniable charismatic presence, has quickly made her mark in the world of adult entertainment. Born and raised to embrace every curve, she unapologetically flaunts her unique beauty, which distinguishes her from other performers in the industry. Having embraced her passion early on, she fearlessly pursued a career in the adult film industry, leading her to amass considerable fame and notoriety due to her remarkable performances and tantalizing physique. As Gabriella Rossi continues to evolve as a talented actress and mesmerizing artist, audiences can't help but become enamored by this sensual fireball who owns her own identity, both onscreen and off.

Gabriella Rossi Movies

We have 16 movies starring Gabriella Rossi in our database

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Gabriella Rossi Scenes

We have 1 scene starring Gabriella Rossi in our database

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Gabriella Rossi Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth:


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Height: No data

Weight: No data


Natural boobs: Yes

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