Tabitha Stern

Tabitha Stern Movies & Scenes

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Tabitha Stern is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Tabitha Stern here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Tabitha Stern, born on January 24th, 1976, is an accomplished adult film actress known under the aliases Samantha Stevens. This blonde beauty stands tall at 168 centimeters with a slender frame weighing in at 55 kilograms. Her attractive features include hazel eyes and natural 34B-24-36 measurements. With her captivating presence and impressive work ethic, Tabitha Stern has solidified her place in the world of adult entertainment.

Tabitha Stern Movies

We have 207 porn movies starring Tabitha Stern in our database

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Tabitha Stern Scenes

We have 56 porn scenes starring Tabitha Stern in our database

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Tabitha Stern Information

Aliases: Tabetha Stern, Samantha Stevens

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1976-01-24

Tattoos: Around navel; sun on left shoulder blade

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Hazel

Height: 168cm (5ft 6in)

Weight: 55kg (121lb)

Measurements: 34B-24-36

Natural boobs: Yes