Kitty Langdon

Kitty Langdon Movies & Scenes

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Kitty Langdon is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Kitty Langdon here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Kitty Langdon, a talented and captivating Asian pornstar originally from Vietnam, was born on December 2nd, 1975. She possesses a stunning hourglass figure with measurements of 36D-24-34, complemented by her naturally voluptuous 36D breasts. Standing at a height of 163 cm (approximately 5 feet 4 inches) and weighing in at around 57 kg (about 126 lbs), Kitty's striking black hair adds to the allure that has propelled her into fame within the adult entertainment industry.

Kitty Langdon Movies

We have 218 porn movies starring Kitty Langdon in our database

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Kitty Langdon Scenes

We have 99 porn scenes starring Kitty Langdon in our database

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Kitty Langdon Information

Country: Viet Nam

Ethnicity: Asian

Date of Birth: 1975-12-02


Hair color: Black

Eye color:

Height: 163cm (5ft 4in)

Weight: 57kg (126lb)

Measurements: 36D-24-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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