Jasmine Rouge

Jasmine Rouge Movies & Scenes

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Jasmine Rouge is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Jasmine Rouge here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Jasmine Rouge, born May 13th, 1984, is an alluring and versatile female adult film star with a fiery stage name that matches her passionate performances. With several aliases to her credit, such as Jasmine La Rouge, Jasmine Forever, and Jasmine Rogue, among others, this confident and captivating performer stands at an impressive 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing approximately 106 pounds. Jasmine's naturally brown hair perfectly frames her stunning green eyes while her curves accentuate her hourglass figure with measurements of 34D-26-34. Known for her natural breasts, this captivating diva has made an indelible mark in the world of adult entertainment through her magnetic screen presence and mesmerizing performances.

Jasmine Rouge Movies

We have 531 porn movies starring Jasmine Rouge in our database

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Jasmine Rouge Scenes

We have 251 porn scenes starring Jasmine Rouge in our database

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Jasmine Rouge Information

Aliases: Jasmine La Rouge, Jasmine Forever, Jasmine Rogue, Jasmin Foster, Jasmin Forever, Jasmin Esterra

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1984-05-13


Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Height: 165cm (5ft 5in)

Weight: 48kg (106lb)

Measurements: 34D-26-34

Natural boobs: Yes

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